I Have Curly Hair And Nobody Knows How To Cut It!
If you have curly hair, you likely also harbor some fear or anxiety toward hair salons. And who can blame you? After you’ve experienced the dreaded triangle, or lost 5 inches of length after asking for a trim, it’s easy to understand why you’d consider swearing off salons completely! Why is it so hard to find a stylist that can cut curly hair well?
Perhaps it’s because there is a ton of misinformation in the hair community about how to properly cut and style naturally textured hair. The reality is, no two heads of curly hair are alike and often there are different patterns of curl and/or texture combined on one head of hair – some curls may clump or coil differently on one side, straight sections can be interspersed with spirals, or a hairline can be more frizz-prone than the rest.
Due to the inconsistent nature of curly hair, there is no standardized cut, pattern or method that works for everyone, and each head of hair has to be treated as a one-of-a-kind and unique. If a hair stylist has not logged a lot of time learning how to cut naturally curly and/or textured hair, they might not be able to spot all the different curl patterns and will struggle to create a balanced cut.
Luckily, hair stylists now have access to a variety of courses, workshops, and seminars focused specifically on working with texture! There are knowledgeable, trained stylists out there who LOVE curls and know exactly what to do with them. You just have to know how to find them. Here are three tips to help you:
Cutting naturally curly hair doesn’t stop with just the cut. It extends to the finished style and overall haircare - learning to be an expert at cutting and styling curly hair takes commitment, talent, training and the willingness to continue to take advanced training. Just as some hairstylists have a natural interest in working with color, others have a specialized interest in dealing with texture.
Type 4a, co-washing, pineappling, no-poo - the curly community speaks its own language, and so should your stylist. If a stylist claims they are curly hair experts but uses words like “fix”, “tame”, and “unmanageable”, this could be an indicator they don’t really know how to enrich your natural texture.
When a stylist understands that you’re on the CG Method and avoiding cones, then you can rest assured you’re off to a good start.
Highly skilled hair stylists who specialize in cutting and styling curly and textured hair often charge higher fees then hairstylists who have not trained in natural curl cutting. It can take time to create a precision cut on curly hair and specialized expertise is valuable and in demand.
It’s likely an experienced stylist will also talk to you about silicone-free professional products and a few necessary at-home items as well. For example, one of the most impactful changes a curly haired girl can make is ditching her cotton pillowcase.
Is the investment worth it? Absolutely.
Curl Consultation & Care
Ultimate Professional Treatment For
All Curls And Coils
All Curls And Coils
Are your curls dry and porous?
Are they frizzy and fragile with a high risk of breakage?
Do you want more styling consistency or style options?
Are they frizzy and fragile with a high risk of breakage?
Do you want more styling consistency or style options?